sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

conversations in my head

Are not necesarily the internal dialogue in my heart...but I came to realize more of what I need, and is no longer attention. Just to give my full afection, and my passion not to end.

I want to be seduced, have that grin wiped from my face, ant turn it in to a full time smile from within.

I'd like you to be certain if I am what you want, and possibly be certain most of the time not just every now and then, I think I'm entitled, but since I cannot demand it if not given it's ok...but one more doubt and be certain I´ll be on my way.

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

still learning...

still yearning, yet flowing in the dark
still burning, yet soothing apart
still missing, yet fullfilling that empty space

until we're one, back home again...

still learning, yet prone to mistakes
still forgiving, yet not forgeting those lessons
still loving, yet puring all of it into emptiness

until we're one, back home again...together...wiser...